Plastic Surgery in Cádiz
Our Plastic Surgery treatments
Plastic surgery is a surgical speciality that is responsible for restoring the functionality and anatomy of a person’s body. In the past, the aim of these techniques was to restore the functionality of congenital defects and malformations that had been acquired at some point in time.
Nowadays, the aim of this speciality is to mould those small parts of the body that do not satisfy the person. In our plastic surgery clinic in Cadiz we offer the best service, integrated by professionals of the highest level in the world of aesthetic and plastic surgery in Spain.
The Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery Service of the García Graf Clinic complies with all the recommendations of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery () Our two surgeons are Francisco García Poch and Elaine A. Graf.
It is worth mentioning some of our treatments such as liposculpture, breast augmentation or lipofilling.
Actualmente esta especialidad tiene como objetivo moldear aquellas pequeñas partes del cuerpo que no satisfacen a la persona. En nuestra clínica de cirugía plástica en Cádiz ofrecemos el mejor servicio, integrado por profesionales del más alto nivel en el mundo de la cirugía estética y plástica en España.
El Servicio de Cirugía Plástica, Estética y Reparadora de la Clínica García Graf cumple con todas las recomendaciones de las Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica, Estética y Reparadora. () A él pertenecen nuestros dos cirujanos: Francisco García Poch y Elaine A. Graf
Cabe destacar algunos de nuestros tratamientos como la lipoescultura, aumento de pechos o lipofilling.



Facial Lifting and Lipofilling

Breast enlargement/reduction and Mastopexy

Body Contour
Abdominoplasty, Liposuction and Liposculpture

Gluteoplasty (Lipotransfer and Using gel implants)

Hair transplants (Autografts, Flaps, Expanders)

Otoplasty (prominent auricular pavilion)

Profileplasty (chin and cheek implants)
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